Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Long Day!

For me, another day at work... For Eric, a little gimpse into fatherhood! We took up the responsibility of taking Logan, Erics little brother for the day. Logan is 17 months old and such a handful! The kid is busy busy busy. He hates being held, so all he wants to do is get down and run! Such a boy. We picked him up about 9am at Eric's dads house and went to the petting zoo in san juan capistrano. Cute little place for kids of all ages. They have goats, pigs, ostrich, bunnies, guinnea pigs, a cow, horses, and even a lama (so ugly, but I still wanted to take him home)! Logan had no fears. He went right in and fed the bunnies and guinnea pigs. I picked one up and put him on my lap so he could pet him. It was so precious. He was really gentle with them, I was shocked. I think his favorite was looking at the big white ducks, every time we would walk away, he would run back over to talk to them. They would squak and he would scream back at them. I have no idea what he thought they were talking about but it was pretty funny. Eric took him in to see the goats, but I hung back and fed them from the outside because those things jump and they get rowdy. Eric put Logan up on a platform where a goat was laying down and he just pet him and talked to him and the goat didn't even flinch. Eric and I were a little nervous but Logan seemed to know what he was doing. Overall, we had a great day with him and he was a very good boy. He ran hard and I am sure he didn'y argue with his parents when it came time for bed. He was exhausted! Tell ya the truth, I think we were more tired than he was. We picked up San Giovanni's, went home and ate, and were in bed to watch the Lakers game at 7:30. We each took some Tylenol and were asleep by 9. We got 16 more days til we have some countless sleepless nights, so we might as well get some sleep in now while we still can...right?

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