Well... heres an update on the B man! Brayden is now a whopping 11lbs 12oz and 23 in long. He did great at the doctor last week for his 2 month check up. He got 4 shots and only cried for about 30 seconds! He was SOOOO good. He started rolling over last weekend from his tummy to his back. He does it on purpose too, not just accidentally. I think it is because he hates tummy time. haha I would too if i had as big a belly as he does! He is eating and sleeping very well. The kid never skips a meal and he is sleeping 8-9 hours a night!!!! Goes to Nana and Papas house atleast every week and loves it! He is all smiles all the time! He is also cooing now. He wakes up in the morning and just talk to himself for about 10 minutes or so before we get him up. He is awesome. Motherhood is a blast, but exhausting! He is by far, the best thing that ever happened to us, besides eachother :) Life is busy but we are doing well. I will post pics as soon as i get them all uploaded! sory for the delay!